Personal Development Resources for Everybody.

NowWatt Self-Maintenance Manual

The NowWatt Self-Maintenance Manual aims to provide ways of understanding to help people a) figure out what is “wrong” and b) figure out how they need to “fix it” as a pathway to Quality.

NowWatt’s mission is to draw your attention to one of your most important sources of resilience - your ability to observe your private experience.

The NowWatt Self-Maintenance Manual aims to help you figure out whether or not you are mentally healthy, and what to do about that understanding, through the sharing of diagrammatic metaphors, and personal case studies. Whether you have a preference for DIY or outsourced self-help to a skilled helper, the Self-Maintenance Manual will prepare you for both contingencies.

Importantly, the NowWatt Self-Maintenance Manual introduces you to “Futures Thinking”: a process designed to scaffold and support integration of past contexts, our unquestioned yet imagined futures, and present possibilities for alternative futures. Think of it as a “pro-biotic” for your mental health and Quality of Life.

Download your copy

Please find link to download your own copy of the 'Now Watt Self Maintenance Manual'. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, drop us a email in the Contact page. Hard copies are available for the printing and postage costs.

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